Skull Shining Breath Kapalabhati Pranayama
From Ann Pizer,
Your Guide to Yoga.
Benefits: cleansing, invigorating, warming, prevents illness and allergies
This breath consists of rapid, forced exhales followed by passive inhales. It is best done at the beginning of a yoga
session. In Kundalini practice, Kapalabhati breath is sometimes done while holding poses.
1. Come to sit in a comfortable crosslegged position.
2. Take two or three deep inhales and exhales through the nose to prepare.
3. Inhale to a comfortable level, and then exhale sharply and forcefully through the nose, drawing the belly in as you
4. Let the inhale happen passively, and continue this cycle of forceful exhales and passive inhales at a fast pace, so
that the belly is pumping continuously.
5. Do three rounds of thirty breaths each, coming back to deep inhales and exhales between each round.
Anuloma Viloma is also called the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique. In this Breathing Technique, you inhale through one
nostril, retain the breath, and exhale through the other nostril in a ratio of 2:8:4. The left nostril is the path of the
Nadi called Ida and the right nostril is the path of the Nadi called Pingala. If you are really healthy, you will breathe
predominantly through the Ida nostril about one hour and fifty minutes, then through the Pingala nostril. But in many people,
this natural rhythm is disturbed. Anuloma Viloma restores, equalizes and balances the flow of Prana in the body.
One round of Anuloma Viloma is made up of six steps, as shown below. Start by practicing three rounds and build up slowly
to twenty rounds, extending the count within the given ratio.
The Vishnu Mudra
In Anuloma Viloma, you adopt the Vishnu Mudra with your right hand to close your nostrils. Tuck your index and middle
finger into your nose. Place the thumb by your right nostril and your ring and little fingers by your left.
Inhale through the left nostril, closing the right with the thumb, to the count of four.
Hold the breath, closing both nostrils, to the count of sixteen.
Exhale through the right nostril, closing the left with the ring and little fingers, to the count of eight.
Inhale through the right nostril, keeping the left nostril closed with the ring and little fingers, to the count of four.
Hold the breath, closing both nostrils, to the count of sixteen.
Exhale through the left nostril, keeping the right closed with the thumb, to the count of eight.